Best Divorce Lawyers in Chennai

Choose Best Divorce Lawyers in Chennai with well experienced. Icon Legal Service Provide the Best Divorce Advocate in Chennai location.

Divorce lawyers with experience in matrimonial cases, child custody, alimony, and mutual divorces or contested divorces can give you peace of mind. 

No matter what kind of divorce petition you need assistance with, whether it's contested or uncontested, alimony, domestic violence, interim maintenance, Section 125 of the PC, dowry harassment u/s 498 a, or a complaint to the women's cell, we have your back.

we can help.complaints, or any other related matter, find a top rated divorce lawyer in Chennai at Iconlegalservice. 

Lawyers for divorce 

In modern analysis, divorce and re-marriage aren't viewed as one-time events, but rather as a series of transitions that affect children's lives. As well as the trauma associated with divorce, family members are often forced to move, step-siblings are introduced, and clan members are replaced.

A list of divorce cases in Chennai

In a divorce, a marriage is dissolving by the judgment of a court. The parties formally married but were forbidden to live together may be declared separated by a decree of edict, which dissolving the marriage but not, on the other hand, allowing them to reside together. In most cases, divorce refers to the dissolution of the bonds of a valid marriage. An annulment, for instance, is a judicial determination that there never was a legitimate marriage. It differs from a decree of nonexistence of marriage, or declared nullity.

Divorce Lawyers in Chennai

On petition by either the husband or the spouse, the Hindu Wedding Act, 1955 provides that any marriage solemnized prior to or after its implementation may be dissolved by a decree of divorce1 for the reasons mentioned.

Among Hindus, weddings are considered sacred, permanent, and lifelong unions, which form an important spiritual cluster. The wedding ceremony is considered sacred by Hindus, and especially by women. Prior to the Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 and the Special Marriage Act of 1954, divorce was an unknown development among Hindus. 


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